I'm a Full Stack Developer based in Pune, India.
I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive solutions. When I'm not coding, tweeting , you'll find me travelling, or watching some series or movies or playing a game of chess.
Innovative solutions
A completely gasless, instant, cross-chain AMM DEX with yield farming. It is built using React.js, Redux, Web3, Ether.js, AWS, Nginx
SHIBOSHIS is NFT marketplace where a collection of 10,000 exclusive Shiba Inu generated Non Fungible Tokens (NFTS).I was Involved in building the frontend and all contract integrations. It is built using React.js, Web3, Redux
COVID-19 VACCINATION AWARENESS PROGRAM (CVAP) is interactive 15-minute learning journey to understand how we developed the vaccines, how they work and why they are safe and every Indian must go for it without fear and hesitation. It is built using React.js, Node.js, Cosmos DB, Azure
Careers Platform for doctors and medical students who are looking for job changes, I have used React.js, Node.js, Redux for this project and JSON-LD used for SEO. It is deployed on AWS
Indias 1st e-quizzing platform for medical students
CMUP is a e-larning platform for medical students , it is build using react.js and node.js and deployed on azure
Batman would be jealous.
I'm having experience in end to end web development process using React.js with redux, Node.js, Nginx, MysQL
I'm having experience in integration of smart contarcts with frontend using Web3 and Ether.js
Experienced in REST api creation using Express.js and Loopback.js
Having experience in designing efficiant database architecture , worked on MySQL
Deployed various applications on AWS and Azure with nginx configuration as load balancer and revers proxy server
Lazy isn't in my vocabulary.
2014 - 2018
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
Pune, IndiaYes. I've been around.
April 2021 – Present
Full Stack Developer
Pune, IndiaMay 2018 – April 2021
Senior Software Enginner
Pune, IndiaJan 2017 – May 2018
Software Developer(Team Lead)
Pune, IndiaAugust 2017 – December 2017
Pune, IndiaCall me, maybe.